How to activate Windows 7 & Vista all editions

Jul 14, 2020 Run as Administrator di Windows 7, XP dan Vista Run as administrator di Windows 7, Xp dan Vista perlu dilakukan supaya program dapat berjalan tanpa masalah, berikut tutorial cara melakukan run as admin agar program dapat berjalan dengan hak administrator. Run as Administrator in Vista - Windows Old - WinMatrix Apr 10, 2007 Cannot run as Administrator in Vista | Tech Support Guy Jun 07, 2010

And since Vista's clean-install setup program forces you to create a new user account with computer administrator privileges, everyone has to cross this hurdle in finding the built-in Administrator.

How To Run Programs As Administrator In Windows 10

Running Photoshop As An Administrator (Windows) – Code

Right Click on Program or Shortcut. One of the most common way to run a program with a UAC … I will show you how to find the 'Run as administrator Apr 21, 2002 Running as administrator on Windows